Samproduksjon i mulighetsrommet for brukermedvirkning i norske helse- og omsorgstjenester
[1] Heidi Gautun,et al. Brukermedvirkning i norsk eldreomsorg – følger kommunene opp statens styringssignaler? , 2020 .
[2] Jan Andersen. Brukermedvirkning som innflytelse og deltakelse – en studie av omsorgslederes vurderinger , 2019 .
[3] S. Steihaug,et al. Brukermedvirkning i helsetjeneste for eldre , 2019 .
[4] Siri Ytrehus,et al. Factors affecting user participation for elderly people with dementia living at home: a critical interpretive synthesis of the literature , 2019 .
[5] Guro Wisth Øydgard. Individuelle behovsvurderinger eller standardiserte tjenestetilbud? En institusjonell etnografi om kommunale saksbehandleres oversettelse fra behov til vedtak , 2018 .
[6] Tina Nabatchi,et al. Varieties of Participation in Public Services: The Who, When, and What of Coproduction , 2017 .
[7] Karen Christensen,et al. Brukermedvirkning i norsk eldreomsorgspolitikk – Om utviklingen av retorikken om individuelt medansvar , 2016 .
[8] Taco Brandsen,et al. Distinguishing Different Types of Coproduction: A Conceptual Analysis Based on the Classical Definitions , 2016 .
[9] S. Osborne,et al. Co-Production and the Co-Creation of Value in Public Services: A suitable case for treatment? , 2016 .
[10] K. Aase,et al. A review of the literature on patient participation in transitions of the elderly , 2015, Cognition, Technology & Work.
[11] V. Bekkers,et al. A Systematic Review of Co-Creation and Co-Production: Embarking on the social innovation journey , 2014 .
[12] A. Norberg,et al. Healthcare personnel's experiences of situations in municipal elderly care that generate troubled conscience. , 2013, Scandinavian journal of caring sciences.
[13] A. McDonald. The Impact of the 2005 Mental Capacity Act on Social Workers' Decision Making and Approaches to the Assessment of Risk , 2010 .
[14] Bram Verschuere,et al. New public governance, the third sector and co-production , 2012 .
[15] Catherine Needham,et al. Co-production: an emerging evidence base for adult social care transformation , 2012 .
[16] P. Beresford,et al. Disabled People, Service Users, User Involvement and Representation , 1994 .