Isolated Posterior Spinal Artery Aneurysm Causing Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

Fig. 1 Initial neuroradiological images a: Brain computed tomographic image showing intracranial subarachnoid hemorrhage(arrows). b: Spinal magnetic resonance image (T2⊖weighted image). The hypointensity lesion at Th10⊖11(arrow)suggests a localized subarachnoid hematoma. Contrast⊖enhanced computed tomographic image (day 1:c)and spinal magnetic resonance image(day 5:d). c: An area of enhancement on the left dorsal aspect of the spinal cord at Th10⊖11(arrow). d: Contrast⊖enhanced T2⊖weighted image showing an area of enhancement within the hematoma(arrow). (From Horio Y, et al1)with permission) b a T10 T11