Comparison of manual vacuum aspiration to traditional methods of managing early pregnancy miscarriage

Abstract A prospective study of 125 patients diagnosed with first trimester miscarriage was carried out in order to compare management outcomes and patient satisfaction. Miscarriage managed medically and surgically was compared. A comfort score between 1 and 5 (1 very uncomfortable, 5 no discomfort) was given by each patient during, where appropriate, and following the intervention; rates of success (determined by negative scan/absence of re-presentation) and whether the patient required subsequent admission to hospital/delayed stay (deemed as >24 h) were also recorded. Manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) compared favourably vs other procedures with a mean comfort score during procedure of 2.61 vs 3.9 in medical management and a mean comfort score post procedure of 3.95 vs 4.0 for MMM and 3.81 for surgical management. Similarly, MVA demonstrated a lower failure rate (2.5%) vs MMM (68%) and SMM (10%) and none required admission or a delayed stay vs MMM (4%) and SMM (10%).