The femtosecond laser multiphoton tomograph DermaInspect as well as high NA two-photon GRIN microendoscopes for in vivo tomography of human skin have been used to detect malignant melanoma as well as to study the diffusion and intradermal accumulation of topically applied cosmetical and pharmaceutical components. So far, more than 500 patients and volunteers in Europe, Australia, and Asia have been investigated with this unique tomograph. Near infrared 80 MHz picojoule femtosecond laser pulses were employed to excite endogenous fluorophores such as NAD(P)H, flavoproteins, melanin, and elastin as well as fluorescent components of a variety of ointments via a twophoton excitation process. In addition, collagen has been imaged by second harmonic generation. Using a two-PMT detection system, the ratio of elastin to collagen was determined during optical sectioning. A high submicron spatial resolution and 50 picosecond temporal resolution was achieved using galvoscan mirrors and piezodriven focusing optics as well as a time-correlated single photon counting module with a fast microchannel plate detector and fast photomultipliers. Individual intratissue cells, mitochondria, melanosomes, and the morphology of the nuclei as well as extracellular matrix elements could be clearly visualized due to molecular imaging and the calculation of fluorescence lifetime images. Nanoparticles and intratissue drugs have been detected non-invasively, in situ and over a period of up to 3 months. In addition, hydration effects and UV effects were studied by monitoring modifications of cellular morphology and autofluorescence. The system was used to observe the diffusion through the stratum corneum and the accumulation and release of functionalized nanoparticles along hair shafts and epidermal ridges. The DermaInspect been also employed to gain information on skin age and wound healing in patients with ulcers. Novel developments include a galvo/piezo-scan driven flexible articulated arm as well as a piezoscan-driven flexible high-NA GRIN microendoscope with photonic crystal fiber.
R. Wepf,et al.
Dead but Highly Dynamic – The Stratum corneum Is Divided into Three Hydration Zones
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Karsten König,et al.
Multiphoton fluorescence lifetime imaging of human hair
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K. König,et al.
Two-photon microscopes and in vivo multiphoton tomographs--powerful diagnostic tools for tissue engineering and drug delivery.
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Alf Giese,et al.
Multiphoton Excitation of Autofluorescence for Microscopy of Glioma Tissue
Vasan Venugopalan,et al.
Role of laser-induced plasma formation in pulsed cellular microsurgery and micromanipulation.
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K König,et al.
Clinical two‐photon microendoscopy
Microscopy research and technique.
Karsten König,et al.
In vivo assessment of human skin aging by multiphoton laser scanning tomography.
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Karsten König,et al.
Clinical multiphoton tomography and clinical two-photon microendoscopy