The Quality Assurance Technique of Resistance Spot Welding Pieces using Neuro-Fuzzy Algorithm

The resistance Spot Welding is widely used in the field of assembling the plates. However we don't still have any satisfactory solution, which is non-destructive quality evaluation in real-time or on-line, against it. Moreover, even though the rate of welding under the condition of expulsion has been high until now, quality control of welding against expulsion hasn't still been established. In this paper, it was proposed on the quality assurance technique of resistance spot welding pieces using Neuro-Fuzzy algorithm. Four parameters from electrode separation signal in the case of non-expulsion, and dynamic resistance patterns in the case of expulsion are selected as fuzzy input parameters. The parameters consist of Fuzzy Inference System are determined through Neuro-Learning algorithm. And then, fuzzy Inference System is constructed. It was confirmed that the fuzzy inference values of strength have within 4% error specimen in comparison with real strength for the total strength range, and the specimen percent having within 1% error was 88.8%. According to KS(Korean Industrial Standard), tensile-shear strength limit for electric coated of zinc is 400kgf/mm2. Judging to the quality of welding is good or bad, according to this criterion and the results of inference, the probability of misjudgement that good quality is valuated into poor one was 0.43%, on contrary it was 2.59%. Finally, the proposed Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System can infer the tensile-shear strength of resistance spot welding pieces with high performance for all cases-non-expulsion and expulsion. And On-Line Welding Quality Inspection System will be realized sooner or later.