This paper describes a software system called FREPS (Forced REsponse Prediction System) that integrates structural dynamic, steady and unsteady aerodynamic analyses to efficiently predict the forced response dynamic stresses in axial flow turbomachinery blades due to aerodynamic and mechanical excitations. A flutter analysis capability is also incorporated into the system. The FREPS system performs aeroelastic analysis by modeling the motion of the blade in terms of its normal modes. The structural dynamic analysis is performed by a finite element code such as MSC/NASTRAN. The steady aerodynamic analysis is based on nonlinear potential theory and the unsteady aerodynamic analyses is based on the linearization of the non-uniform potential flow mean. The program description and presentation of the capabilities are reported herein. The effectiveness of the FREPS package is demonstrated on the High Pressure Oxygen Turbopump turbine of the Space Shuttle Main Engine. Both flutter and forced response analyses are performed and typical results are illustrated.