Reflexive Looper (RL) is a live-looping system which allows a solo musician to incarnate the different roles of a whole rhythm section by looping rhythms, chord progressions, bassline and more. The loop pedal, is still the most used device for those types of performances, accounting for many of the cover songs performances on youtube, but not all kinds of song apply. Unlike a common loop pedal, each layer of sound in RL is produced by an intelligent looping-agent which adapts to the musician and respects given constraints, using constrained optimization. In its original form, RL worked well for jazz guitar improvisation but was unsuited to structured music such as pop songs. In order to bring the system on pop stage, we revisited the system interaction, following the guidelines of professional users who tested it extensively. We describe the revisited system which can accommodate both pop and jazz. Thanks to intuitive pedal interaction and structure-constraints, the new RL deals with pop music and has been already used in several in live concert situations.
Jon McCormack,et al.
Designing Improvisational Interfaces
Ryen W. White,et al.
Supporting Exploratory Search, Introduction, Special Issue, Communications of the ACM
François Pachet,et al.
Automatic Classification of Guitar Playing Modes
Jérôme Nika,et al.
Guiding human-computer music improvisation: introducing authoring and control with temporal scenarios. (Guider l'improvisation musicale homme-machine : introduire du contrôle et de la composition avec des scénarios temporels)
François Pachet,et al.
Reflexive loopers for solo musical improvisation
Roger B. Dannenberg,et al.
Real-time scheduling and computer accompaniment
François Pachet,et al.
The Continuator: Musical Interaction With Style