Mobile-Augmented Reality Framework for Students Self-Centred Learning in Higher Education Institutions

Augmented Reality is an exciting technology that enables user to view virtual object overlaying physical environment to increase the student-learning outcome. Objectives: To find if visualization plays a vital role mobile learning through comparison between three groups that were analysed using SmartPLS 3 using Measurement and Structural Model, Traditional, Mobile and mobile-Augmented Reality (mAR) Groups. The analysed data were collected at five universities. Methods: Quantitative method was conducted with students using questionnaire that covers Effectiveness, Self-Efficacy, Motivation, Satisfaction and Features. This paper also presents the comparison between the three groups in terms of Effectiveness towards several relationships that were analysed using SmartPLS to find significant relationship between the construct. It was found that Traditional had one significant relationship where as Non-mAR and mAR both have two significant relationships.