Modelling and compensation of hysteresis for magnetostrictive actuators

Proposes the compensation of the hysteretic behaviour of an actuator constituted by a Terfenol-D magnetostrictive material to enhance the performance of a typical control scheme for vibration suppression. Hysteresis is modelled by the application of the classical Preisach model whose identification procedure is performed by the adoption of fuzzy approximators. This allows analytic reconstruction of Everett integrals and the Preisach distribution function, without any special smoothing of the measured data, thanks to the altering capabilities of the fuzzy interpolators. Moreover, the idea of compensator for operators with memory is also described in detail and the concept of pseudo-compensator is introduced. The latter operator allows approximation of the inverse of a given Preisach-like operator and then to easily compensate hysteresis and nonlinearity of a real magnetostrictive actuator.