Seismic applications of acoustic reciprocity

Part 1 Integral transformations: Cartesian vectors integral-transformation methods discrete Fourier-transformation methods. Part 2 Iterative solution of integral equations: the integral equation direct minimization of the error recursive minimization of the error selfadjoint operator LT the Neumann expansion special choices of the operator T operators of convolution type. Part 3 Basic equations in acoustics: the acoustic wave equations the acoustic equations in the Laplace-transform domain. Part 4 Radiation in an unbounded, homogeneous medium: source representation in the spectral domain source representations in the s-domain far-field radiation characteristics in the s-domain source representations in the time domain far-field characteristics in the time domain the Cagniard-de Hoop method the acoustic wavefield of point sources. Part 5 Reciprocity theorems: the s-domain field reciprocity theorem the time-domain reciprocity theorem of convolution type the s-domain power reciprocity theorem the time-domain reciprocity theorem of correlation type. Part 6 Field reciprocity between transmitter and receiver: point-transducer description volume transducer description surface-transducer description. Part 7 Radiation in an unbounded, inhomogeneous medium: the volume-source problem the surface-source problem. Part 8 Scattering by a bounded contrasting domain: the domain-integral equation formulation the boundary-integral equation formulation. Part 9 Scattering by disk: scatering by a planar object of vanishing thickness disk in a homogeneous embedding analytic solution for a pressure-free plane disk in a homogeneous halfspace two-dimensional scattering by a strip. Part 10 Wavefield decomposition: decomposition based on field reciprocity decomposition based on power reciprocity redatuming of seismic data. Part 11 Deghosting: decomposition based on field reciprocity decomposition based on power reciprocity the surface-related vertical particle velocity receiver deghosting source deghosting deghosting in the strip configuration. Part 12 Removal of surface related wave phenomena: reciprocity between the actual and desired state auxiliary reciprocity relations alignment of vertical positions actual multiple-removal procedure multiple removal in the strip configuration. Part 13 Boundary imaging: the boundary-integral representation Fourier transform with respect to source coordinates Fourier transform with respect to receiver coordinates angular-frequency-domain analysis imaging analytic solution for a planar reflector imaging of a disc two-dimensional case imaging of the strip configuration. Part 14 Domain imaging. Part 15 Seismic inversion. (Part contents)