The Security Challenges of The Rhythmprint

The Rhythmprint is a new type of biometric authentication in the term of behavior method base on touchable device.  Rhythmprint is using  four measurements including with holding and latency time, number of finger per beat and distant between finger. When the user need to login on  laptop, the user only touch on touchpad  with registered rhythm , if the rhythm is match in database the user will authenticated. Rhythmprint was  proposed  the user never concern about shoulder suffering and eavesdrop attack anymore. In this research we will  teaching to  the attacker about  the user rhythm and number of finger per beat of each user , after that the attacker must try to hack the user Rhythmprint. The result show although the attacker which remember the rhythm and number of finger per beat but the attacker can not attacked the Rhythmprint easily, because the different hand geometry of different person will be different distant between fingers