Microeconomic Theory
A Course in Microeconomic TheoryMicroeconomics of Banking, second editionA Textbook of Microeconomic TheoryIntermediate Microeconomic TheoryThe Entrepreneur in Microeconomic TheoryNeoclassical Microeconomic TheoryMicroeconomic TheoryNeoclassical Microeconomic TheoryMicroeconomic TheoryApplied Microeconomic TheoryAdvanced Microeconomic TheoryAdvanced Microeconomic TheoryMicroeconomicsMicroeconomic Theory: Basic Principles and ExtensionsMicroeconomic TheoryMicroeconomic TheoryMicroeconomic TheoryMicroeconomic Theory: Basic Principles and ExtensionsMicroeconomic Theory Old and NewMicroeconomic TheoryMicroeconomic TheoryMicroeconomic TheoryMicroeconomic Theory for the Social SciencesMicroeconomics: Theory And ApplicationsMicroeconomic TheoryMicroeconomic TheoryLectures on Microeconomic TheoryAdvanced Microeconomic TheoryTheory of MicroeconomicsMicroeconomic TheoryMicroeconomic TheoryModels in Microeconomic Theory ('She' Edition)Microeconomic TheoryMicroeconomic TheoryMicroeconomic Theory??????T&P Of Microeconomic Theory 3/E (Sos)Notes and Problems in Microeconomic TheoryMicroeconomic TheoryLecture Notes in Microeconomic Theory This book is intended to be a comprehensive and standard textbook for undergraduate students of Microeconomics. Apart from providing students with sufficient study material for examination purpose, it aims at making them understand economics. An effort has been made to explain abstract and complex microeconomic theories in a simple and lucid language without sacrificing analytical sophistication. The subject matter has been structured in a systematic manner without leaving gaps for the readers to fill in. Though the approach is non-mathematical, simple algebra has been used to give a concrete view of economic concepts and theories and to show the applicability of economic theories in decision making.This best-selling textbook covers all the topics in microeconomic theory covered by all students of economics. It combines the results of the authors' experience of teaching microeconomics at Harvard and has been fully classroom tested. Microeconomic Theory provides a balanced and in-depth analysis of the essentials of microeconomics, covering topics such as noncooperative game theory, information economics, mechanism design and general equilibrium under uncertainty. 'Self-sufficient' sections allow lecturers to 'mix and match' topics relevant to their courses.Discussion is clear, accessible and engaging, enabling the student to gradually acquire confidence as well as proficiency. Extensive exercises within each chapter help students to hone their skills, while the text's appendix of terms, fully cross-referenced throughout the previous five sections, offers an accessible guide to the subject matter's terminology.