An overview of white dwarf stars

We present a brief summary of what is currently known about white dwarf stars, with an emphasis on their evolutionary and internal properties. As is well known, white dwarfs represent the end products of stellar evolution for the vast majority of stars and, as such, bear the signatures of past events (such as mass loss, mixing phases, loss and redistribution of angular momentum, and thermonuclear burning) that are of essential importance in the evolution of stars in general. In addition, white dwarf stars represent ideal testbeds for our understanding of matter under extreme conditions, and work on their constitutive physics (neutrino production rates, conductive and radiative opacities, interior liquid/solid equations of state, partially ionized and partially degenerate envelope equations of state, diffusion coefficients, line broadening mechanisms) is still being actively pursued. Given a set of constitutive physics, cooling white dwarfs can be used advantageously as cosmochronometers. Moreover, the field has been blessed by the existence of four distinct families of pulsating white dwarfs, each mapping a different evolutionary phase, and this allows the application of the asteroseismological method to probe and test their internal structure and evolutionary state. We set the stage for the reviews that follow on cooling white dwarfs as cosmochronometers and physics laboratories, as well as on the properties of pulsating white dwarfs and the asteroseismological results that can be inferred. 1. BASIC FACTS ABOUT WHITE DWARFS • White dwarfs are the end products of stellar evolution for the vast (95%) majority of stars. They have run out of thermonuclear fuel, and most of them have burned H and He in their interiors. • Most observable white dwarfs are isolated or part of non-interacting binaries. They are believed to have C-O cores and to descend from main sequence stars with masses in the range from slightly less than 1Mto ∼8M� . This maps into a narrow range offinal masses centered around ∼0.6M� . This implies important mass loss in previous evolutionary (red giant) phases. • White dwarfs have a stratified structure (see Fig. 1). Most have a C-O core (containing ∼99% of the total mass M) surrounded by a thin He mantle (∼1% M at most), itself surrounded by a thinner but opaque H envelope (∼0.01% M at most). • White dwarfs are compact cooling bodies in hydrostatic equilibrium; gravity is balanced by degenerate electron pressure. This implies an evolution at almost constant radius. From a pulsation point of view, white dwarfs have a mechanical structure radically different from those of non- degenerate stars (see Fig. 2).