„Lebenslust statt Krankheitsfrust” - Implementation und Evaluation eines Programms zur aktiven Patientenbeteiligung in der stationären Rehabilitation chronischer RückenschmerzpatientInnen
Zest for Life Instead of Strain of Illness" - Implementation and Evaluation of a Programme Activating Chronic Back Pain Patients in a Rehabilitation Clinic.A group training was developed for chronic back pain patients in a rehabilitation clinic to enhance coping, to activate internal and external resources, and to make transfer to everyday life easier. The training consists of 12 either physiotherapeutic or psychologically oriented sessions. The training was evaluated in a longitudinal, quasi-experimental control-group design. Patients of the intervention group (n = 144) and control group (n = 157) rated the usefulness of the rehabilitation for private and working life at the end of the in-patient phase (t1) and three month later (t2). They also evaluated selected elements of the rehabilitation (t2). Results show that the anticipated usefulness of the rehabilitation was rated higher at the end of the stay than three months later. This indicates frustration after returning to everyday life. Patients of the intervention group rated the transfer possibilities to working life higher than the control group. They also are more satisfied with the psychological parts of the rehabilitation. After minor revisions, such as strengthening the topic of employment, the training now is implemented in the clinic for all patients with chronic back pain.