Impressed cathodic protection of underground structures

Impressed cathodic protection systems are considered as a cost effective solution for a variety of in ground placed structures and is the most effective form of cathodic protection. A wide range of structures immersed in ground have been protected by cathodic protection using either impressed or sacrificial systems. The first have been and are extensively used in the oil and gas industry for underground tanks and other metallic objects in order to protect them from corrosion. This article describes the numerical method used in design two-dimensional impressed cathodic protection systems. Streszczenie.Metoda ochrony katodowej z zewnetrznym źrodlem prądu, jest stosunkowo tanim i skutecznym sposobem ochrony obiektow metalo- wych takich, jak zbiorniki czy rury gazociągow umieszczonych pod ziemią. Artykul ten opisuje metode analizy ochrony katodowej z zewnetrzym źrodlem prądu z uwzglednieniem reakcji elektrochemicznych na katodzie oraz konduktywności gruntu. (Ochrona katodowa z zewnetrznym źro- dlem prądu dla obiektow pod ziemią)