[논문] 회전익 채널내 후류장에 의한 비정상 유동특성에 관한 연구

The characteristic of unsteady flowfields on gas turbine, particularly on a rotor blade surface has been numerically investigated. The unsteady flow in a rotor blade passage as a result of wake/blade interaction is modeled by the inviscid flow approach, and solved by Euler equations using a time accurate marching scheme. Unsteady flow in the blade passage is induced by periodically moving a wake model across the passage inlet. The wake model used in this study is the Gaussian wake model in which the wake flow is assumed to be parallel with uniform static pressure and uniform relative total enthalpy. Numerical, results show that for the case of Ps/Pr=1.5, the velocity and pressure distribution on the blade surfaces have much more complex profiles than for the case of Ps/Pr= 1.0.