New depth-fused 3-D perception on 3-D display system using two stereoscopic displays

Abstract. We describe a new type of depth-fused 3-D (DFD) per-ception that occurs when watching a display system that uses twostereoscopic displays instead of two 2-D displays in a conventionalDFD display. Subjective tests for this display revealed that two 3-Dimages of the same shape displayed by the two stereoscopic dis-plays were fused into one 3-D image when they were viewed asoverlapping as in a conventional DFD display in which two 2-D im-ages are fused. The perceived depth of the fused 3-D image de-pends on both the luminance ratio of the two 3-D images and theirdepth specified by binocular disparity. This result demonstrates thatDFD perception is dominated by the effects of binocular disparityand image intensity, i.e., the effect of the depth of focus is muchweaker. © 2007 SPIE and IST they can roughly be classified 1 into stereoscopy,integral photography, volumetric displays, and holography.Holography