TIHERE CAN BE no question that l)asteurization is the most potent single force operating to-day to prevent the transmission of milk-borne disease. In most fields of public health, however, actual practice tends to fall short of the laboratory ideal, and the conviction has recently become more and more acute that -this is true of present-day commercial pasteurization. It would be very questionable service to the true cause of pasteurization were we to attempt to belittle -the defects of present practice. Such an attempt would merely furnish the opponents of pasteurization with ammunition. It will be far more to the purpose to bring the clefects to light and correct them. -Only so will we achieve the maximum -ultimate respect oni the part of the con:sumer, and render opposition harmless. The object of this paper is, therefore, -to discuss: (1) Certain unsatisfactory -aspects of the present status of milk pas-teurization and (2) a suggested remedy.