Study of Brazeability of SiCP/A356 Composites and Aluminum Alloy Using Semisolid Metal with High Solid Fraction by Stirring

The semi-solid brazing process of SiCp/A356 composites and 2024 aluminum alloy using Zn-Al eutectic filler metal at 450 °C has been investigated. The two substrates and Zn-Al filler metal were heated up to the semisolid temperature range of Zn-Al filler metal by a resistance heating plate. In order to mix the filler metal with the base metal of both sides to be a single uniform joint, a stirrer was introduced into the weld seam. After stirring, specimens were sectioned for analysis of macro- and micro-structures along the weld region. The research shows that SiCp/A356 composites and aluminum can be joining by semisolid metal. It can be found that almost half of the oxide film on the surface of the base metal was disrupted and removed through the observation by SEM. The metallurgical bonds formed between the filler metal and the base materials on the interface of oxide had been disrupted. Moreover, the oxide film of surface of aluminum alloy was more thoroughly disrupted and removed than that of surface of composites with existing of SiC particle.