Comment on "Spin-Orbit Logic with Magnetoelectric Nodes: A Scalable Charge Mediated Nonvolatile Spintronic Logic" (arXiv:1512.05428)

Researchers from Intel Corporation recently proposed "Magneto-Electric Spin Orbit (MESO)" logic as a new strategy for beyond-CMOS electronics [1]. The Intel researchers project that this concept has the potential to reduce the switching energy per bit "to near thermodynamic limits for GHz logic (100 kT switching at 100 ps delay)", i.e., to near 0.4 aJ. Here I point out that the switching energy stated in ref. [1] is incorrect, because the paper neglects a large energy cost associated with Ohmic dissipation that is unavoidable within the MESO scheme. Using optimistic parameters, the true minimum switching energy per bit within the MESO approach is at least 150 fJ, or more than 300,000 times greater than the value stated in ref. [1]. Given this large energy cost, the MESO concept is not a viable strategy for beyond-CMOS logic.