An Intermodal Approach to the Deployment of Cooperative and Intelligent Transport Systems in Saxony-Anhalt

Abstract Traffic management systems are used to improve traffic flow, to provide current information on public transport systems and to optimise the use of the existing infrastructure. Although these systems can only reach an improvement within the capacity provided by the existing infrastructure, communication and cooperation between vehicles and infrastructure are becoming more and more important. Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) apply information and communication technologies to transport. Telematic systems, satellite positioning (GNSS) and mobile communication (GSM/GPRS/UMTS and WLAN) technologies and sensor networks are playing an increasingly important role in transport systems. The main innovation is the integration of existing technologies to create new services. ITS can be applied in every transport mode (road, rail, air, water) and services can be used by both passenger and freight transport. This paper describes the current efforts of the German Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt to develop and deploy Cooperative and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) for Road Transport and Public Transport in Saxony-Anhalt based on an ITS Master Plan.