[Shared decision making: a scoping review].

AIM This research aimed to explore the literature regarding the model of the Shared Decision Making (SDM) in the field of nursing. METHOD A scoping review was conducted. The electronic literature research was made on Medline, CINAHL, The Cochrane Library, Google Scholar, using a combination of key words: "Decision Making", "Shared Decision Making", "Nursing", "Nursing Patient relationship". The review was carried out following the Levac model. RESULTS 29 studies were included, in a time range between 1972 and 2015. The analysis identifies the main characteristics of the SDM model, the tools for its implementation, the patients experience, the fields of application and the integration among SDM e evidence based practice. CONCLUSION the analysis showed that the Shared Decision Making model is not widespread, especially in the Italian context. This phenomenon could be explained by three fundamental aspects. The concept is not widely disseminated and full scientific maturity. His application also seems to be related to extensive knowledge of gold standard interventions and possible alternatives. Finally, there are cultural barriers to the implementation of the SDM.