Current displacement sensor and method for determining a three-dimensional position, an orientation and a distribution table.

ELECTROSTATIC SENSING SYSTEM ALMOST surrounding a MASA electrically conductive with an electric field, whose magnitude is perceived ONE OR MORE PLACES TO RESOLVE PROPERTY OF MASS interest concerning. THE OBJECT Intercepts PART OF ELECTRIC FIELD EXTENDING between the electrode COUPLED AC "send" and the remaining ELECTRODOS "receive", DEPENDING THE AMOUNT OF FIELD INTERCEPTED SIZE AND ORIENTATION OF MASS PERCEIVED, GIVE OR NOT THE DOUGH A WALK EARTH, AND dISTRIBUTED geometry of the electrodes. BECAUSE THE COUNTRY RESPONSE An object is a nonlinear function complex ADD electrodes may always distinguish between more cases. IN OTHER WORDS, each electrode representing a weight independent of the mass within the field; ADD PROVIDES AN ELECTRODE INFORMATION REGARDING THE GROUND THAT NO is redundant with the information provided by the other electrodes. ESTABLISHING A MODEL "forward" referring THE BEHAVIOR OF A CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP SYSTEM TO BE MEASURED, AND "INVESTMENT" THIS MODEL Facilitates recovery PROPERTY BASED SYSTEM BEHAVIOR. The invention is suitable for a wide variety of uses, including detection of POSITIONS AND GESTURES OF THE USER AS A MEANS OF TRANSPORT INFORMATION BI - AND / OR TRI - DIMENSIONAL A, for example, computers, household appliances, televisions, appliques, ETC ., PROVISION OF DATA ENTRY OR COMMANDS INSTRUCTIONAL to a device, or perceived proximity to a reference object for security purposes, to warn of danger, or to conserve energy while retaining the power until a potential user approaches the OBJECT