Enabling Cyber-Physical Systems for 5G Networking: A Case Study on the Automotive Vertical Domain

5G is the next generation networking infrastructure with a strong focus on requirements of various vertical domains. 5G brings improvements on networking performance but also introduces new services for deploying software involving networking aspects in an end-to-end manner from the edge to the cloud, affecting the way we will deploy software. One of the most promising verticals is the Automotive Vertical, where 5G will bring characteristics such as low delays and high bandwidth, enabling complex V2X scenarios. This paper reports experiments made using a popular 5G technology, called NFV Management and Orchestration platform, the Open Source MANO (OSM), by remotely placing Virtual Network Functions to Vehicles containing a smart Edge Device for: i) remotely monitoring through the OBD-II interface and ii) video streaming between V2V for assisted overtaking. The described process can be applied to other types of systems containing a smart Edge Device, enabling them as networking resources of future 5G network deployments, demonstrating how future CPSs could be engineered and benefit from emerging 5G services.