A great part of the interest in complex networks has been motivated by the presence of structured, frequently nonuniform, connectivity. Because diverse connectivity patterns tend to result in distinct network dynamics, and also because they provide the means to identify and classify several types of complex network, it becomes important to obtain meaningful measurements of the local network topology. In addition to traditional features such as the node degree, clustering coefficient, and shortest path, motifs have been introduced in the literature in order to provide complementary descriptions of the network connectivity. The current work proposes a different type of motif, namely, chains of nodes, that is, sequences of connected nodes with degree 2. These chains have been subdivided into cords, tails, rings, and handles, depending on the type of their extremities (e.g., open or connected). A theoretical analysis of the density of such motifs in random and scale-free networks is described, and an algorithm for identifying these motifs in general networks is presented. The potential of considering chains for network characterization has been illustrated with respect to five categories of real-world networks including 16 cases. Several interesting findings were obtained, including the fact that several chains were observed in real-world networks, especially the world wide web, books, and the power grid. The possibility of chains resulting from incompletely sampled networks is also investigated.
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