International Workshop on Hypermedia Design

Lunch that day wa5 at a very n1ce re5taurant near the c0nference 51te (0f c0ur5e, French cu151ne w0u1d mer1t a rep0rt 0f 1t5 0wn). At the ta61e, 50me0ne remarked that he d1dn • t u5ua11y have a fu11 mea1 at 1unch, t0 wh1ch 5h0wed h0w the 06ject 0r1ented Hypermed1a De519n Meth0d (00HDM) can he1p 1n 5eparat1n9 the d1ver5e de519n c0ncern5 (c0nceptua1, nav19at10na1 and 1nterface), f0cu51n9 0n what mu5t 6e 5pec1f1ed at the 1nterface 1eve1.