analysis is a powerful and comprehensive method for analyzing relationships between quantitative variables, and has many applications in business, engineer, social sciences and many others, it is selected as the candidate method for testifying our initiative on delivering statistical analysis as a service. An all-mighty software package is good for solving business problems at hand. Having said that, we believe that a simple, straight forward, flexible and cost effective system that satisfies business decision requirements is better than a software package with functions covering unexpected needs of a business. In line with the spirit of cloud computing and the idea of actively supporting a data analysis process (1), we have developed a web application for multiple regression analysis that can be accessed from internet through browsers. Following the principle of KISS and the morale of public good, the web application is implemented with Java technology and employs open-source ware as building blocks. The system implemented imposes steps for multiple regression analysis on users of the system and provides preliminary interpretations of abstruse yet important statistics to ensure correct application of the statistical procedure.
S. Shapiro,et al.
An Analysis of Variance Test for Normality (Complete Samples)
Chien-Ho Wu,et al.
Implementing Statistical Agents on JADE Platform
H. Levene.
Robust tests for equality of variances
Chien-Ho Wu,et al.
SLinRA2S: A Simple Linear Regression Analysis Assisting System
2013 IEEE 10th International Conference on e-Business Engineering.
J. Durbin,et al.
Testing for serial correlation in least squares regression. II.
H. Lilliefors.
On the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test for Normality with Mean and Variance Unknown
Chien-Ho Wu,et al.
On Supporting Cross-Platform Statistical Data Analysis Using JADE
Elizabeth A. Peck,et al.
Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis
J. Neter,et al.
Applied Linear Regression Models