Bone Length of lberian Freshwater Fish, as a Predictor Length and Biomass of Prey Consumed by Piscivores

We measured various fish bones from 13 Iberian freshwater fish species and one hybrid species. Original total body lengths were then back-calculated using bone measurements. Bones usually found in prey remains left by piscivorous predators, were usually from the head skeleton and from the vertebral column. The 73 regressions obtained between bone length and fish length were linear for al1 species examined. Coefficients of determination ranged between 75.6 % and 99.5 %. To estimate fish biomass, length-weight relations were used for each species, too. Bone length vs. fish length relationships found in the literature for seven additional species inhabiting the Iberian Peninsula were also included, totalling 29 regression equations. The amount of dietary information available from fish predator remains can be greatly increased by using these relationships. In this paper, information is provided covering in excess of 37 YO of lberian freshwater fish fauna, including the most abundant and widespread species.