Analysis Of The Environmental Performance Of The Sugar Energy Plants Located In The Hydrographic Basin Of The River Mogi Guaçu

ABSTRACT This article aims to analyze the environmental performance of the plants belonging to sugar energy plants of the River Mogi Guacu Basin. With the identification of waste and byproducts generated at each stage of sugar and ethanol production process, were identified the potential impacts and carried out a quantitative estimation of the relative environmental impact of each waste/byproduct considering the dumping of these pollutants in water, soil and atmosphere. From this, it was evaluated through field research, the plants of the basin based on the destination given to twentyseven different waste/byproducts. It was concluded that industrial sugar energy production presents greater environmental impact on waters (67.4%), followed by sand (22.6%) and air (10.7%). Based on scientific knowledge attested to date on the environmental impacts of each dump, also was concluded that the allocations of waste/byproducts of plants are on average 95% adequate.Keywords: environmental performance evaluation; sugar energy plants; River Mogi Guacu Hydrographic Basin.