Conversion of fuels containing nitrogen to oxides of nitrogen in hydrogen and methane flames

Nitrogen-containing compounds such as hydrogen cyanide, acetonitrile, acrylonitrile, pyridine, benzonitrile, ammonia and methylamine, which are typical of the products likely to be encountered during the decomposition of nitrogen-containing polymers in fires, have been introduced into hydrogen and methane flames burning in oxygen-argon atmospheres. There is a complete conversion of fuel nitrogen in all cases to oxides of nitrogen and molecular nitrogen. The relative conversion to oxides of nitrogen (as NOx/N2) increases as the injection rate of nitrogen-containing fuels is decreased. The relative yields of oxides of nitrogen tend to be similar with methane and hydrogen premixed flames and markedly greater than observed with hydrogen diffusion flame. In all cases the yield of oxides of nitrogen-containing products such as hydrogen cyanide can also present a toxic risk during the burning of nitrogen-containing polymers, particularly when high temperature are involved. The combustion of these products in flame zones cannot be assumed to alleviate the additional toxic risk because of their conversion to oxides of nitrogen.