Low light level surveillance cameras with significantly higher performance and reduced form factor, than present state of the art are critical for many commercial and military applications. Towards this end, a new approach to low light level cameras was successfully demonstrated. In a cooperative research and development effort between Scientific Imaging Technologies, Inc. of Beaverton, Ore., and Intevac EO Sensors of Palo Alto, Calif., back-illuminated, electron-bombarded CCD (EBCCD) sensors were designed and fabricated. Experiments demonstrated the EBCCD's sensitivity and contrast resolution superior to conventional intensified CCD (ICCD) approaches. Low light level signal to noise (STN) and contrast transfer function (CTF) data are presented. A model is derived that describes the performance of the EBCCD and the back-illuminated CCD relative to conventional approaches to nighttime imaging. A design and simulated performance of a video rate 2/3 inch, back-illuminated, electron-bombarded CCD currently under development for low light imaging applications is also described.