Combining Practice And Theory In Construction Education Curricula

The development of construction education c urri ula has undergone several significant changes over the last several decades. Existing construction pr grams fall primarily under two categories, construction engineering and construction management programs. Further, construction edu cation is significantly different at the undergradu ate and graduate levels and within engineering and no -engineering-based programs. The original emphasis of construction edu cation has been on planning, scheduling and estimating. Construction Management edu cation emphasizes the qualitative and administrative aspects of construction such as law, resource management, and finance. Construction Engineering edu cation emphasizes the quantitative aspects of construction including materials, equipment, and operations. In the latter, the recent trend has been towards an increased use of simulation and modelling, and the use of computer technologies and future automation capabilities on the construction site. This has cr e ted a gradual move of construction education toward the experimental and theoretical side of constructi on, but unfortunately, away from the applied aspects of construction practice. One result of this move is the increasing fragmentation and specialization in courses and edu cational experiences. This paper int oduces one approach currently being implemented in the Construction Engineering and Management program at Georgia Tech to alter this change. This paper describes the primary components of this approach including the integration of courses, the cooperation required to support the interdisciplinary emphasis, and the establishment of an innovative academic/i ndustry partnership to provide a s tate-of-the-art physical and technological infrastructure to support the program goals. Introduction Construction engineers and managers focus on many issues of concern to society. Foremost among these issues is the provision for the infrastructure that supports the economic well-being and quality of life associated with the modern world. As the United States and other c untries become increasingly linked through the global market, this infrastructure (including w ater resource management, transportati on, housing, and health/education fac ilities) becomes a critical element to the su ccess of national and regional economies. More importantly, significant international attention is being focused on i nfrastructure and how the systems and services it represents can be provided more efficiently and eff ectively. New tec hnologies and technological advances in m aterials engineering, construction met hods, transpor tation/water delivery systems, and multimedia technology have revolutionized the way engineers provide and develop solutions for