A Galerkin formulation of the MIB method for three dimensional elliptic interface problems

We develop a three dimensional (3D) Galerkin formulation of the matched interface and boundary (MIB) method for solving elliptic partial differential equations (PDEs) with discontinuous coefficients, i.e., the elliptic interface problem. The present approach builds up two sets of elements respectively on two extended subdomains which both include the interface. As a result, two sets of elements overlap each other near the interface. Fictitious solutions are defined on the overlapping part of the elements, so that the differentiation operations of the original PDEs can be discretized as if there was no interface. The extra coefficients of polynomial basis functions, which furnish the overlapping elements and solve the fictitious solutions, are determined by interface jump conditions. Consequently, the interface jump conditions are rigorously enforced on the interface. The present method utilizes Cartesian meshes to avoid the mesh generation in conventional finite element methods (FEMs). We implement the proposed MIB Galerkin method with three different elements, namely, rectangular prism element, five-tetrahedron element and six-tetrahedron element, which tile the Cartesian mesh without introducing any new node. The accuracy, stability and robustness of the proposed 3D MIB Galerkin are extensively validated over three types of elliptic interface problems. In the first type, interfaces are analytically defined by level set functions. These interfaces are relatively simple but admit geometric singularities. In the second type, interfaces are defined by protein surfaces, which are truly arbitrarily complex. The last type of interfaces originates from multiprotein complexes, such as molecular motors. Near second order accuracy has been confirmed for all of these problems. To our knowledge, it is the first time for an FEM to show a near second order convergence in solving the Poisson equation with realistic protein surfaces. Additionally, the present work offers the first known near second order accurate method for C1 continuous or H2 continuous solutions associated with a Lipschitz continuous interface in a 3D setting.

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