Analysis of Knowledge Management System in Grabb Mobile Application Based On Usability

Grabb mobile application is a tool that is often used by people to travel. Each will travel then grabb will be ordered and pickup in front of the house and delivered to the destination location according to the address written on the application. Much knowledge can be disseminated through this Grabb application. Among them Grabbb car when going to go using a car, grabbike, service and others. The method in this study uses the adoption of a knowledge management system life cycle (KMSLC). Where the stages used are consists of Analysis of Existing Infrastructure Evaluation, Knowledge Capture, Implement the KM system, Evaluation. The steps taken are system analysis, knowledge mapping in the application, the results of implementation and evaluation using usability with 10 respondents through the adoption of Software Usability Measurement Inventory (SUMI). The results of SUMI’s Usability are effectiveness with a value of 90, efficiency 70 and satisfaction 70. By looking at these results, the mobile grabb application is included in the good category because the value of usabililty is above average. A post-publication change was made to this article on 20 Apr 2020 as the previously published article was a duplicate.