The New Economic History After Twenty Years

presentation of papers analyzing in quantitative terms the history of the economies of the United States and Canada. Two papers by Alfred Conrad and John Meyer on methodology (1957) and on the economics of slavery (1958) were milestones in initiating this new approach to economic history. With 20 years of perspective, what can we say about the contribution of the new economic history to an understanding of the economic past? An evaluation requires that we agree on ( 1 ) what we

[1]  S. Engerman Douglass C. North’s The Economic Growth of the United States, 1790-1860 Revisited , 1961, Social Science History.

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[12]  J. Meyer,et al.  The Economics of Slavery in the Ante Bellum South , 1958, Journal of Political Economy.

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[15]  Douglass C. North,et al.  The rise of the western world , 1976 .

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[18]  Charlotte Erickson,et al.  Railroads And American Economic Growth , 1964 .

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