Risk Forecast of Spontaneous Combustion of Sulfide Ore Dump in a Stope and Controlling Approaches of the Fire

In this paper, a set of reliable devices and flowchart used for testing the potential of spontaneous combustion of sulfide ores (SOSC) are presented. An effective assessment method which depends upon the fire index system for evaluating the risk of SOSC in a mining stope is introduced. To get more detailed information on self-heating situation in the ore dump at various period, the surface temperature on the ore dump is measured by an infra image apparatus and the temperature in the ore dump is analyzed both by ANSYS and FLUENT software. These results are visual and effective for applying correct measures for preventing the fire-breeding. Also, a group of chemical agents for abating the oxidized velocity are invented and can be sprayed into the ore dump. By integrating with all technical approaches described in above and using them for dealing with various practical conditions, the risk of SOSC in a stope can be effectively controlled.