2 Satellite-Derived Products to Enhance Aviation Nowcasting of Convection , Turbulence , and Volcanic Ash

A NASA LaRC effort, the Advanced Satellite Aviation-weather Products (ASAP) initiative, has been developed to provide satellitederived meteorological products and expertise to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) weather research community. The University of WisconsinMadison SSEC/CIMSS, in conjunction with the University of Alabama in Huntsville, MIT, and NCAR/RAP has been tasked to provide satellitederived information to the NCAR-based Aviation Weather Research Program’s (AWRP) Product Development Teams (PDT). Satellite-derived products that ASAP will develop and provide to the AWRP PDTs are value-added information for forecasting/nowcasting aviation hazards such as those caused by low ceiling/visibility, convection, turbulence, icing, volcanic ash, and wind shear. Much of the satellite data provided to NCAR will be infused into each PDT’s unique system for diagnosing a particular hazard. For ASAP in 2004 and beyond, UW will collaborate with the University of Alabama in Huntsville (see collaborating poster at conference). This collaboration will bolster UWMadison ASAP activities by offering expertise in data mining, pattern recognition, as well as through introduction of other remote sensing data sets (e.g., lightning). Phase 2 of ASAP activities will include incorporation of hyperspectral satellite data (AIRS, CrIS, and HES) products into the FAA PDT’s aviation hazard algorithms. This paper will present an overview of current University of WisconsinSSEC/CIMSS ASAP research and products.