Proceedings of the 21st annual international conference on Supercomputing

This volume contains the papers accepted for presentation during ICS 2007, the 21st ACM International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS-2007), held in Seattle WA (USA). For over 20 years ICS has been a leading forum on all aspects of high performance computing, bringing together a rich diversity of delegates from universities, government and industry. This year, 123 paper submissions were finalized (out of 157 initial abstract submissions) from 15 different countries, covering virtually all areas of supercomputing. The paper selection process was handled by an outstanding Program Committee (PC), with 42 members coming from 9 different countries. Papers were rigorously reviewed by PC members and by a large number of external referees directly appointed by the Program Co-chairs. In total we had 445 reviews from 179 reviewers. On average, each paper received 3.6 reviews. We had an excellent PC meeting via phone. This way we made it easier for everyone to participate irrespective of their location. Based on the reviews the PC selected 29 papers, an acceptance rate of 23%. This acceptance rate is similar to previous years, ensuring that ICS continues to maintain a very high level of competitive standards. As in previous years, the goal of this year's conference is to bring together presentations from traditionally important supercomputing disciplines as well as newly emerging and exciting areas of research. For this reason, in addition to the high-quality regular paper sessions, ICS-2007 included three workshops, two tutorials and two inspiring keynote talks (Avi Mendelson from Intel and Craig Stunkel from IBM Research) on both timely and challenging issues in these areas, encompassing hardware and software building blocks in high performance computing systems, computationally challenging applications for these systems as well as performance evaluation studies.