Turbulent mixing noise from jet exhaust nozzles

Understanding the complex turbulent mixing noise sources for jet exhaust nozzles is critical to delivering the next generation of "green" low-noise jet engines. High performance computing resources are used to develop/prove hi-fidelity direct-from-first-principles predictions of noise to characterize these hard to measure acoustic sources. A scalable, compressible Large Eddy Simulation (LES) --based Computational Aeroacoustics (CAA) solver is used to study free-shear layer noise from jet exhaust nozzles, and boundary layer noise sources from airfoils. Representative wind turbine airfoils are simulated at realistic Reynolds & Mach numbers to mature CAA prediction accuracy. To prove design differentiation capability and hence readiness as an numerical rig ready to accelerate industrial design, the LES/large-scale HPC combination is being proven on a range of jet nozzle configurations.