Visualize What to Be Coded Before Programming
Today software programmers manually generate program code (so called source code) in a chosen program language directly from their mind or a sketch of a flow-chart. That principle of making code is problematic of different reasons as it limits the insight from other people in the structure and solutions if they are not knowledgeable of the program language used. That, as it means a complete and full power of the programmer what regards the solutions created, as user experience (UX) is difficult to implement and see, etc.If instead the manual programming starts with developing a flow-chart before the programming, engineering systematics will be used meaning that almost anyone can take part in the creating a solution as no programming knowledge is needed. By visualizing solutions before manual – or automatic-programming starts, it is easy to see and follow the logics of the solutions before much correcting programming afterwards should be avoided. Also reading and transforming code to logics of what has been programmed is demanding if not a transforming code to flow-chart is used.If flow-charts of any type exist as ground for programming Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be used for the programming, which has the advantage of standardizing the code together with other advantages as faster programming, lower costs, better planning, and no bottle necks because of shortage of programmers.However, to go from a flow-chart using AI is not a simple task, which discussed in the paper