3-DAT Based Evaluation Method for Mobile Game Development Process

The 4-DAT is a tool for analyzing general development process such as XP and Scrum. In this paper, we suggest a new evaluation method based on 3-DAT for mobile game. Since the 4-DAT has inappropriate evaluation items and unnecessary elements for mobile game development, a revised evaluation method which was optimized using three dimension. The 3-D based evaluation method have development context variables of 5 items and 20 detailed criteria. They were defined based on the theory of P.Abrahammsson, B. Boehm and R. Turner. For the experiment, We applied to five mobile game developments which were earned out for 4 months. It analyzed the three factors of the development teams dependence, inequity and flexibility. This study found that short-term mobile game developments can be completed with low risk when dependence is low, inequity is high and flexibility is high.