European intercomparison study for the determination of fumonisins in maize

Fumonisins are mycotoxins occurring largely in maize and maize products, which cause animal diseases, such as equine leukoencephalomalacia and porcine pulmonary edema, and may also induce liver cancer on experimental rats. The European Commission Standards, Measurements and Testing (SMT, formerly BCR) Programme, has sponsored a project to improve analytical methodologies for the determination of the two major fumonisins (fumonisin B1 and fumonisin B2) in maize materials. The project involved the following steps: i) the preparation of a blank and a maize material contaminated with fumonisins Bl and B2; ii) a preliminary study of the γ-irradiation conditions for sterilization; iii) homogeneity and stability studies of the maize materials; iv) an intercomparison study for fumonisins analysis in the above materials with the involvement of 24 European laboratories, most of which have national or international responsibilities for foodstuff and/or feedstuff quality control. Results of the intercomparison study are presented together with the homogeneity and stability data relevant to the maize materials.