Arrangement of the Multicopy H+-translocating Subunit c in the Membrane Sector of the Escherichia coliF1F0 ATP Synthase*

The multicopy subunit c of the H+-transporting F1F0 ATP synthase of Escherichia coli is thought to fold across the membrane as a hairpin of two hydrophobic α-helices. The conserved Asp61, centered in the second transmembrane helix, is essential for H+ transport. In this study, we have made sequential Cys substitutions across both transmembrane helices and used disulfide cross-link formation to determine the oligomeric arrangement of the c subunits. Cross-link formation between single Cys substitutions in helix 1 provided initial limitations on how the subunits could be arranged. Double Cys substitutions at positions 14/16, 16/18, and 21/23 in helix 1 and 70/72 in helix 2 led to the formation of cross-linked multimers upon oxidation. Double Cys substitutions in helix 1 and helix 2, at residues 14/72, 21/65, and 20/66, respectively, also formed cross-linked multimers. These results indicate that at least 10 and probably 12 subunits c interact in a front-to-back fashion to form a ring-like arrangement in F0. Helix 1 packs at the interior and helix 2 at the periphery of the ring. The model indicates that the Asp61carboxylate is centered between the helical faces of adjacent subunit c at the center of a four-helix bundle.

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