Climate seasonality limits leaf carbon assimilation and wood productivity in tropical forests

The seasonal climate drivers of the carbon cycle in tropical forests remain poorly known, although these forests account for more carbon assimilation and storage than any other terrestrial ecosystem. Based on a unique combination of seasonal pan-tropical data sets from 89 experimental sites (68 include aboveground wood productivity measurements and 35 litter productivity measurements), their associated canopy photosynthetic capacity (enhanced vegetation index, EVI) and climate, we ask how carbon assimilation and aboveground allocation are related to climate seasonality in tropical forests and how they interact in the seasonal carbon cycle. We found that canopy photosynthetic capacity seasonality responds positively to precipitation when rainfall is < 2000 mm yr(-1) (water-limited forests) and to radiation otherwise (light-limited forests). On the other hand, independent of climate limitations, wood productivity and litterfall are driven by seasonal variation in precipitation and evapotranspiration, respectively. Consequently, light-limited forests present an asynchronism between canopy photosynthetic capacity and wood productivity. First-order control by precipitation likely indicates a decrease in tropical forest productivity in a drier climate in water-limited forest, and in current light-limited forest with future rainfall < 2000 mm yr(-1).

Steven F. Oberbauer | Jan Verbesselt | Hans Beeckman | Grégoire Vincent | Helmut Dalitz | Jürgen Homeier | Raphaël Pélissier | César Augusto Guimarães Finger | Michael S. Ross | Liana O. Anderson | Luiz E. O. C. Aragão | Yadvinder Malhi | Foster Brown | David M. J. S. Bowman | Kaiyu Guan | Bruno Hérault | Anthony D. Griffiths | Davi Rodrigo Rossatto | Jérôme Chave | David M. Drew | Giselda Durigan | Aster Gebrekirstos | Achim Bräuning | Simone A. Vieira | Plínio Barbosa de Camargo | Jean-Louis Devineau | James Grogan | Timothy R. Baker | Benjamin Brede | Mario Tomazello Filho | Mark Schulze | Oliver Dünisch | Marcos Silveira | Damien Bonal | Naoki Okada | Vivien Rossi | J. Julio Camarero | Afonso Figueiredo Filho | L. Aragão | L. Anderson | Y. Malhi | J. Chave | P. Graça | E. Chidumayo | R. Pélissier | M. Silveira | T. Baker | D. Clark | S. Oberbauer | J. Verbesselt | Vivien Rossi | S. Vieira | D. Bowman | E. Maeda | J. Camarero | P. Camargo | K. Guan | D. Bonal | D. Lieberman | M. Lieberman | M. Swaine | M. Marques | H. Beeckman | D. Drew | L. Prior | J. O'Brien | G. Vincent | G. Durigan | C. Castilho | F. Costa | M. Toledo | A. Griffiths | J. Homeier | A. Bräuning | B. Hérault | E. Rutishauser | M. R. Kanieski | Benjamin Brede | H. Dalitz | F. Galvão | T. Toma | Foster Brown | M. Schulze | F. Wagner | W. Castro | L. K. Kho | D. Rossatto | Juan Ignacio Valdez Hernández | Jean-Louis Devineau | B. Murphy | A. Franco | C. Stahl | M. Ross | J. Grogan | L. Rowland | F. Roig | C. Lisi | Emmanuel N. Chidumayo | Martin Worbes | Deborah A. Clark | A. F. Filho | S. V. Kohler | M. Worbes | Brett P. Murphy | Joseph J. O'Brien | Marisol Toledo | Lynda D. Prior | Fabien Wagner | Ervan Rutishauser | Augusto C. Franco | J. D. F. Milani | Paulo Maurício Lima de Alencastro Graça | Michael D. Swaine | E. Elifuraha | Takeshi Toma | Lucy Rowland | Paulo Maurício | Clément Stahl | Gabriel Sebastian Becker | Danilo Boanerges Souza | Paulo Cesar Botosso | Fernanda C. G. Cardoso | Fabrício Alvim Carvalho | Wendeson Castro | Rubens Koloski Chagas | Flávia R. C. Costa | Camille Couralet | Paulo Henrique da Silva Mauricio | Vinicius Resende de Castro | Jaçanan Eloisa de Freitas Milani | Edilson Consuelo de Oliveira | Luciano de Souza Arruda | Elisha Elifuraha | Marcio Fedele | Ligia Ferreira Fedele | João Lima Freitas Júnior | Franklin Galvão | Robert Gliniars | Maria Raquel Kanieski | Lip Khoon Kho | Jennifer Koenig | Sintia Valerio Kohler | Julia Krepkowski | José P. Lemos-Filho | Diana Lieberman | Milton Eugene Lieberman | Claudio Sergio Lisi | Tomaz Longhi Santos | José Luis López Ayala | Eduardo Eijji Maeda | Vivian R. B. Maria | Márcia C. M. Marques | Renato Marques | Hector Maza Maza Chamba | Lawrence Mbwambo | Karina Melgaço | Hooz Angela Mendivelso | Fidel Alejandro Roig | Hellen Santana | Diogo Selhorst | Williamar Rodrigues Silva | Susanne Spannl | José Julio de Toledo | Marcos Miranda Toledo | Carolina V. Castilho | Franziska Volland | Magda Lea Bolzan Zanon | A. Gebrekirstos | J. P. Lemos-Filho | P. Botosso | Hooz A. Mendivelso | F. A. Carvalho | Susanne Spannl | J. Ayala | O. Dünisch | F. Volland | L. Mbwambo | J. J. Toledo | J. Koenig | C. Couralet | Karina Melgaço | Robert Gliniars | L. Fedele | H. Santana | Julia Krepkowski | D. Selhorst | V. R. Castro | M. Fedele | J. G. Junior | W. Silva | M. M. Toledo | M. Zanon | Naoki Okada | J. Hernández | R. Marques | F. C. Cardoso | M. T. Filho | J. O’Brien | Grégoire Laurent Vincent | Camille Couralet | V. Rossi | L. Kho

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