The Water Footprint Assessment Manual: Setting the Global Standard
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[91] S. Pfister,et al. A revised approach to water footprinting to make transparent the impacts of consumption and production on global freshwater scarcity , 2010 .
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[93] N. H. Ravindranath,et al. 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories , 2006 .
[94] Arjen Y. Hoekstra,et al. The global component of freshwater demand and supply: an assessment of virtual water flows between nations as a result of trade in agricultural and industrial products , 2008 .
[95] A. Hoekstra,et al. The external water footprint of the Netherlands: Quantification and impact assessment , 2008 .
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[98] M. M. Aldaya,et al. Water footprint analysis for the Guadiana river basin , 2008 .
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[104] M. Llamas,et al. Water footprint and virtual water trade in Spain , 2010 .
[105] Petra Döll,et al. A Pilot Global Assessment of Environmental Water Requirements and Scarcity , 2004 .
[106] A. Hoekstra,et al. Water footprints of nations: Water use by people as a function of their consumption pattern , 2006 .
[107] Arjen Ysbert Hoekstra,et al. The global dimension of water governance: Nine reasons for global arrangements in order to cope with local water problems , 2006 .
[108] A. Chapagain,et al. Assessing freshwater use impacts in LCA: Part I—inventory modelling and characterisation factors for the main impact pathways , 2009 .
[109] A. Hoekstra,et al. The water footprint of energy from biomass: A quantitative assessment and consequences of an increasing share of bio-energy in energy supply , 2009 .
[110] A. Hoekstra,et al. The water footprint of bioenergy , 2009, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
[111] Jing Ma,et al. Virtual versus real water transfers within China , 2006, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.
[112] Arjen Ysbert Hoekstra,et al. Strategic importance of green water in international crop trade , 2008 .
[113] A. Hoekstra,et al. Water footprints of nations , 2004 .
[114] A. Hoekstra. The Relation Between International Trade and Water Resources Management , 2008 .
[115] Arjen Ysbert Hoekstra,et al. Water footprint of cotton, wheat and rice production in Central Asia , 2010 .
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