Fifty years of the bottleneck model: A bibliometric review and future research directions

Abstract The bottleneck model introduced by Vickrey in 1969 has been recognized as a benchmark representation of the peak-period traffic congestion due to its ability to capture the essence of congestion dynamics in a simple and tractable way. This paper aims to provide a 50th anniversary review of the bottleneck model research since its inception. A bibliometric analysis approach is adopted for identifying the distribution of all journal publications, influential papers, top contributing authors, and leading topics in the past half century. The literature is classified according to recurring themes into travel behavior analysis, demand-side strategies, supply-side strategies, and joint strategies of demand and supply sides. For each theme, typical extended models developed to date are surveyed. Some potential directions for further studies are discussed.

[1]  Gordon F. Newell The Morning Commute for Nonidentical Travelers , 1987, Transp. Sci..

[2]  Feng Xiao,et al.  The Morning Commute Problem with Coarse Toll and Nonidentical Commuters , 2011 .


[4]  Chairman.,et al.  The Value of Reliability , 1986, IEEE Power Engineering Review.

[5]  Erik T. Verhoef,et al.  Airlines' Strategic Interactions and Airport Pricing in a Dynamic Bottleneck Model of Congestion , 2014 .

[6]  Feng Xiao,et al.  Managing morning commute traffic with parking , 2012 .

[7]  Hai-Jun Huang,et al.  On the morning commute problem with carpooling behavior under parking space constraint , 2016 .

[8]  Joseph I. Daniel,et al.  The untolled problems with airport slot constraints , 2014 .

[9]  André de Palma,et al.  Public transport reliability and commuter strategy , 2014 .

[10]  Eric J. Gonzales Coordinated pricing for cars and transit in cities with hypercongestion , 2015 .

[11]  Jonathan D. Hall Pareto Improvements from Lexus Lanes: The effects of pricing a portion of the lanes on congested highways , 2015 .

[12]  Maria Börjesson,et al.  Estimating exponential scheduling preferences , 2015 .

[13]  R. Lindsey,et al.  Comparison of Morning and Evening Commutes in the Vickrey Bottleneck Model , 2002 .

[14]  C. Lindsey,et al.  Traffic Congestion And Congestion Pricing , 2000 .

[15]  Huijun Sun,et al.  Modeling the Morning Commute Problem in a Bottleneck Model Based on Personal Perception , 2019, Journal of Advanced Transportation.

[16]  Wei Liu,et al.  Managing morning commute with parking space constraints in the case of a bi-modal many-to-one network , 2016 .

[17]  Nicolas Coulombel,et al.  The marginal social cost of travel time variability , 2014 .

[18]  Tao Yao,et al.  A partial differential equation formulation of Vickrey’s bottleneck model, part II: Numerical analysis and computation , 2013 .

[19]  Makoto Yonekawa,et al.  Flextime, Traffic Congestion and Urban Productivity , 2006 .

[20]  Hai Yang,et al.  Day-to-day evolution of departure time choice in stochastic capacity bottleneck models with bounded rationality and various information perceptions , 2019, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.

[21]  Hai-Jun Huang,et al.  Dynamic ridesharing with variable-ratio charging-compensation scheme for morning commute , 2019, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological.

[22]  Yafeng Yin,et al.  Tradable Credit Scheme to Control Bottleneck Queue Length , 2016 .

[23]  Hai-Jun Huang,et al.  Fares and tolls in a competitive system with transit and highway: the case with two groups of commuters , 2000 .

[24]  Moshe Ben-Akiva,et al.  Dynamic network models and driver information systems , 1991 .

[25]  Paul Koster,et al.  Long‐Run Versus Short‐Run Perspectives on Consumer Scheduling: Evidence from a Revealed‐Preference Experiment Among Peak‐Hour Road Commuters , 2015 .

[26]  Xiaoning Zhang,et al.  Integrated scheduling of daily work activities and morning–evening commutes with bottleneck congestion , 2005 .

[27]  André de Palma,et al.  Congestion in a city with a central bottleneck , 2012 .

[28]  Hai-Jun Huang,et al.  Pareto-improving policies for an idealized two-zone city served by two congestible modes , 2018, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological.

[29]  Yu Nie,et al.  A New Tradable Credit Scheme for the Morning Commute Problem , 2015 .

[30]  André de Palma,et al.  Properties of Dynamic Traffic Equilibrium Involving Bottlenecks, Including a Paradox and Metering , 1993, Transp. Sci..

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[35]  A. Palma,et al.  Economics of a bottleneck , 1986 .

[36]  Jiancheng Long,et al.  Optimal official work start times in activity-based bottleneck models with staggered work hours , 2019 .

[37]  Amnon Rapoport,et al.  Departure Times in Y-Shaped Traffic Networks with Multiple Bottlenecks , 2009 .

[38]  Mogens Fosgerau,et al.  Commuting and land use in a city with bottlenecks: Theory and evidence , 2019, Regional Science and Urban Economics.

[39]  Jeffrey L. Adler,et al.  A direct redistribution model of congestion pricing , 2001 .


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[42]  Richard Arnott,et al.  Equilibrium traffic dynamics in a bathtub model: A special case , 2016 .

[43]  M. Fosgerau Congestion in the bathtub , 2015 .

[44]  Richard Arnott,et al.  Morning Commute in a Single-Entry Traffic Corridor with No Late Arrivals , 2012 .

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[46]  Vincent A.C. van den Berg Step-tolling with price-sensitive demand: Why more steps in the toll make the consumer better off , 2012 .

[47]  Yuichiro Yoshida,et al.  Commuter arrivals and optimal service in mass transit: Does queuing behavior at transit stops matter? , 2008 .

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[53]  André de Palma,et al.  Route choice with heterogeneous drivers and group-specific congestion costs , 1992 .

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[63]  R. Braid Uniform versus peak-load pricing of a bottleneck with elastic demand , 1989 .

[64]  Mogens Fosgerau,et al.  Road pricing with complications , 2013 .

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[69]  Ralph M. Braid Partial peak-load pricing of a transportation bottleneck with homogeneous and heterogeneous values of time , 2018 .

[70]  Marc Willinger,et al.  Road Traffic Congestion and Public Information: An Experimental Investigation , 2006 .

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[74]  André de Palma,et al.  Dynamic Model of Peak Period Traffic Congestion with Elastic Arrival Rates , 1986, Transp. Sci..

[75]  Feng Xiao,et al.  Managing bottleneck congestion with tradable credits , 2013 .

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[78]  Satish V. Ukkusuri,et al.  Linear Complementarity Formulation for Single Bottleneck Model with Heterogeneous Commuters , 2010 .

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[92]  Peng Liu,et al.  Optimal Information Provision at Bottleneck Equilibrium with Risk-Averse Travelers , 2018, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.

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