2방향 전자밸브의 PWM 신호에 의한 압력제어 특성

By way of driving a 2-way on/off solenoid hydraulic valve with a pulse width modulation (PWM) signal, control of the pressure in a certain volume is frequently used in various applications. However, the pressure built-up according to the duty ratio and carrier frequency of the PWM signal is not so well understood. In order to clarify the characteristics of 2-way valve hydraulic pressure control systems, in this paper two formula for the mean and ripple of the load pressure were derived through theoretical analysis. And the accuracy of the derived formula were verified by comparison with the experimental test result. Generally 2-way valve systems are constructed as a bleed-off circuit, while 3-way valves are used as a control element in a meter-in circuit pressure control system. In a bleed-off circuit, the system supply pressure from a hydraulic power pack does not remain constant, but changes according to their external load. In turn, the relief valve in the hydraulic power pack reacts accordingly showing complicated dynamic behavior, which makes an analytical study difficult. In order to resolve the problem, simple but accurate empirical dynamic models for a bleed-off system were used in the course of formula derivation. As the result, selection criteria for two major control parameters of the driving signal is established and the basic strategy to suppress the unnecessary pressure fluctuation can be provided for a hydraulic pressure control system using a 2-way on/off solenoid valve.