Failure Analysis ofMemoryOrganization for Utilization inaSelf-Repair MemorySystem

Hammingcodes) havebeenusedtoservice thoseareasof Totake anintegrated approach tothis problem, using avariety ofcodingthememoryinwhicha single fault manifests itself asa andmodularization techniques oneachofthememorysubsystems, itis single failure; viz. thestorage mediaandtheoutputsensing necessary todetermine thetypes offaults andfailures caused bythese faultscomponents. Obviously, theproblemismuch moredifficult thatcould occur inthesystem. Thispaper presents theresults ofafailure analysis study oftypical 2D, intheremaining areas; viz., theaddress register, theaddress 2-D,and3Dmemory organizations. Two-way memories arealso considered. decoder, andthedriver-selection circuits. This study demonstrates that a2Dmemory, utilizing aswitching array for Thispaperpresents theresults ofa failure analysis memory access, isless susceptible to,catastrophic failures than other organi- studyoftypical 2D,2-D,and3D memoryorganizations. zations considered. A memory organization capable ofdistributing the 2 failures, inamannerpermitting correction bylinear codes, wasadopted.To-waymsemories, bi., m rn whichsaehorizotals Other techniques forautomatic replacement offault units arealso considered. orvertical assemblage ofbitscanbeaccessed, willalsobe considered.