Spin-tunnel-junction thermal stability and interface interdiffusion above 300 °C

Spin tunnel junctions (CoFe/Al2O3/CoFe/MnIr) were fabricated with tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) of 39%–41% after anneal at 300 °C, decreasing to 4%–6% after anneal at 410 °C. Junction resistance decreases from (0.8–1.6) to (0.5–0.8) M Ω μm2 during anneal. The pinned-layer moment decreases by 44% after anneal at 435 °C, but the free-layer moment does not change. The current–voltage characteristics change significantly and become asymmetric above 300 °C. Rutherford backscattering analysis (RBS) shows that above 300 °C, strong interdiffusion starts at the CoFe/MnIr interface with Mn moving into CoFe, causing the electrode moment to decrease. Mn eventually reaches the Al2O3/CoFe interface contributing to the TMR decrease. RBS analysis of a separate CoFe/Al2O3/CoFe structure shows only minor structural changes at the CoFe/Al2O3 interfaces after anneal at 435 °C, possibly leading to a second mechanism for the loss of interface polarization and TMR.