원예용 폐배지를 재활용한 혼합배지에서 재배한 분식물 페튜니아 ‘Maddness Rose’와 팬지 ‘Magestic GT’의 생육

This experiment was conducted to examine the efficacy of reusing horticultural media disposed from plug seedling and hydroponic farms. Seedlings of Petunia hybrida ‘Madness Rose’ and Viola tricolor ‘Magestic GT’ were cultured in various mixtures containing recycled horticultural media. The medium from a plug seedling farm and used coir from a hydroponic farm were used after either or not steam-sterilized for 30 min at 120℃. The used coir containing media produced plants with better growth than perlite and granular rockwool containing media. In pansy, recycled media used with no sterilization resulted in poor growth and led to plant death. Therefore, sterilization must be a prerequisite in recyled use of growing media. The possibility of reusing growing media was high.